I’ve been in Miri for about 4 months dah sekarang. What can I say about Miri? Well except the fact yang Miri adalah the second largest city in Sarawak, here also is the place where you can find those big oil & gas company. Miri terkenal dgn eco-tourism destinations mcm Gunung Mulu,Lambir Natinal Park and Gua Niah
If u ask me whether have I been to this famous visitors attractions, off course ler belum (I’m not really adventurous person actually :P) . Usually during weekend I have to work pun. Kesian kan.
Since dah few months dekat sini I can say I da familiar dgn jln2 dekat Miri dah (hehe berlagak ler pulak)..Wat the difference between KL dgn Miri. Miri tak jam pagi-pagi, takde toll, nak pegi mane2 pun dekat je..pegi town dekat,pegi airport dekat and dekat dgn beach. Ape yg ade kat KL but takde dekat Miri? Roti gardenia takde, drive thru MacD takde and masakan thai dekat sini mcm paprik,tomyam memang lain rasa dgn semananjung. Kurang spicy and kurang umphh hehe
But if I go back to KL I’m sure I’ll miss laksa Sarawak,mee kolok, jalan2 dekat pasar seberkas, tgk sunset dkt esplanade and yg pasti kek lapis Sarawak (I notice I asik tulis about foods je dari tadi kan..ish2)
And Everytime balik to KL (own expenses ok, company tak sponsor pun tsk..tsk ) mesti my mum kirim ni..berekor2 ikan terubuk masin. Memang I tak pernah try before, but time balik haritu my mum masakkan memang sedap. Tak mcm ikan masin biasa yg dekat KL tu..Miri punye lagi fresh and kurang masin and sedap dimakan. So far orng2 ofis recommend beli kat ade one auntie ni dekat pasar seberkas. Pasar ni open every Friday and saturday

And I also don’t know why lalapan@ayam penyet sangat la famous dekat Miri. Most of the kedai makan dekat Miri mesti ade lalapan. You can choose from lalapan ayam, daging,ikan. Ikan memang bnyk choice from bawal,tongkol,ikan merah, talapia etc. Kedai lalapan yg paling famous sekali dekat miri..Restoran Muara dekat Miri waterfront. Memang selalu penuh. Lebih kurang macam ayam penyet dekat Kl tu je (I suke sngt makan dekat Ayam Penyet Ria..yummy but pedas banget). But dekat miri sambal dia memang sambal belacan and sayur2 nye lagi banyak
Miri memang a bit pricey ler barang-barang dia. I think maybe sebab berneighbour to Brunei kot. Most of their citizens usually datang to Miri every weekend. Miri off course a much more cheaper for them compared to their own countries. Till then.Ja...