Saturday, October 15, 2011

Susu formula Posted by Dnanako chan at 9:52 AM 2 comments

I still fully breastfeed Zahra until 3 months. Alhamdulillah, despite the up and down in the journey, I can stay to breastfeed her until 3 moths.  The problem started bile stock da kurang. Even everyday pump pun but the stock just enough for her to consume for the next day.  I have tried shaklee, minum bergelen2 air, makan kurma, makan halba etc but still no positive result.    Right now kalo pump dekat office pun I only managed to get 5oz jer..memang tak cukup la for supply Zahra dekat nursery since dia minum dalam 12-16oz everyday.  We decided to top up with formula milk but nanti only 1/4 of her meals yang by formula (dekat rumah memang tak bagi langsung formula )

1st we tried Anmum sebab masa 1st day and Zahra  had problem to latch, nurse bagi susu anmum.  DEMC pun ade bagi stock susu Anmum ni dua kotak. Zahra minum, but very slow and banyak yang keluar dari yang masuk. Second time bagi dia terus reject.

2nd we tried Enfalac A+ (ni pun dapat free from DEMC).  I tanya nursery they said baby ok boleh minum susu Enfalac. Bile nursery cakap ok, we immediately beli satu tin susu enfalac untuk stock dekat nursery. 2-3 hari  after that I noticed Zahra batuk-batuk and I think takde ape kot. Few days after that batuk2 dia become worst and every time minum susu je dia muntah2 and  pegi check dekat clinic.  Doktor kata maybe she’s not suitable dengan cow milk and suggest us to try isomil instead. 

Ok la try Isomil, tapi tak nak la membazir beli sampai satu tin kan.  Luckily doctor kata dia ade sample and maybe we can give a try.  Isomil pun nursery kata ok baby boleh minum.  Lepas tu we tried Google around about kebaikan susu soya ni tapi macam banyak comment yang tak bagus..hmm. Tapi pelik jugak since my family takde pulak lactose intolerance history, my hubby side pun takde.

Carik punye carik ade banyak forum yang kata susu kambing  bagus.  Lagipun nak mengikut sunnah Nabi, minum susu kambing.  Susu kambing  pun sebenarnye is the second best milk after breast milk. Pastu I teringat yang I pernah terbaca dalam Pa&Ma mag bout Karihome. Karihome ni  product of New Zealand and ade certified halal from New Zealand Islamis Processed Food Management.  Hubby carik dekat Giant & nasib baik ade.  RM45 for 40gram.  Alhamdullilah zahra can accept it and lepas tu batuk makin berkurang and  muntah-muntah pun takde.  Ade yang cakap if goat milk ni takut bau or dia punye taste tak sedap.  I try ok je, I think tastier than cow milk yang I tried before.


1.Anmum : my baby tak suka the taste

2.Enfalac A+:boleh minum tapi not suitable for her.  From batuk2 lead to muntah2 for few days sampai kan ke demam.  Her temperature naik sampai 39C and kena pergi hospital.  It’s a good milk, sebab I baca from review enfalac ade the highest DHA which is good for brain development, but tak suitable with my baby pulak

3-Isomil : tried the sample and she accept but ade bad review bout soy based milk we decided to change

4-Karihome: she accept and takde side effect ape-ape. Alhamdulillah, so we continue to give her Karihome for now

We tested a few brand to find the suitable milk for our baby but bile ade side effect tu yang susah sebab baby yang sakit-sakit.  Pity her.  Since da jumpa Karihome ni, we continue je..nak tukar pun takut.   Takut tak suitable pulak lagi.

info-taken from Karihome webiste

What is special about goat milk from New Zealand?
New Zealand's dairy goats are fed on the green and lush pastures of New Zealand. The high quality of food for the goats corresponds directly to the quality of milk that they produce. In most other countries of the world, goats are fed on processed meal and grain. New Zealand goat milk is rich in alpha-s2-casein, and not the alpha-s1-casein variant which is known to cause allergic reactions in some infants.
What is the difference between goat and cow milk?
Among all the animal's milk suitable for consumption, only cow and goat milk are nutritionally close to human and have been shown to be an excellent source of nutrition.Goat milk is closer to human because the protein profile is more similiar. Goat milk protein forms smaller and finer curd and has more than double the typical amount of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) in cow milk. Goat milk protein is much easier to digest and absorb and hence children have less incidence of having indigestion or allergy. Goat milk has also been shown to contain high concentration of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) that is very low in cow milk. EGF is a natural ingredient in human milk. It promotes gut and cell development and recovery.  An enzyme known as Platelet Activating Factor Acetyl Hydrolase, which can break down allergen, has also been isolated from goat milk during research.
What are the benefits of goat milk?
Goat milk has natural bioactive factors such as nucleotides, taurine and polyamine which help to build up the immune system. Absorption of calcium, iron, copper and zinc is higher in goat milk than cow milk. Goat milk is also good for lung, stomach and intestine. So there are fewer incidences of cough, phlegm and indigestion. Feedback from parents that their children's asthma improve after a few months of taking Karihome goat milk.
Who can benefit from goat milk?
It may benefit:

- People who want to have overall well being from goat milk nutrition.

- People with gastric problem, hypersensitive with eczema or asthma.

- Babies or children who develop winds or cramp with cow milk or soy milk products.

- Babies or children who are not growing well with cow milk or soy milk products.

Pneumococcal Vaccination Posted by Dnanako chan at 8:37 AM 0 comments


I just know about this vaccination when my fren informed bout tis.  After i check balik dalam buku checkup DEMC, memang ade dalam list, tapi it’s optional and not compulsory.  So masa baby zahra 3 months punye routine immunization, we asked the doctor.  He said it’s highly recommended to take this vaccine since zahra duduk dekat nursery.  He added that most of our neighborhood countries memang dah diwajibkan to take this vaccine, dekat Malaysia je belum maybe sebab it’s quite expensive. 

Since zahra dah 3 months, she will take the vaccine on 4 moths (1st dose), 7 months (2nd dose), 8 moths (3rd dose), 13 moths (booster).  Price per vaccine RM230 but for the last vaccine (booster), DEMC bagi free :). Takpe la for her own health jugak kan. Risau jugak since lately ni pun zahra selalu tak sihat sangat.  I browse around, once this disease attack je dalam few days the situation boleh jadi worst by attacking brain and can cause death.  Masyallah hopefully di jauhkan la.  For me prevention is better than cure.  So sape nak get this vaccination for buy 4 free 1 price, boleh la pegi DEMC :)

Some info :

What is pneumococcal (neu-mo-kok-al) disease? Bakteria streptococcus  pneumoniae (pneumokokus) bolen menyebabkan penyakit pneumococcal.  Commonly found di dalam saluran pernafasan kanak-kanak and is spread by coughing & sneezing.  Currently there are more than 90 known pneumococcal types, but only 10% cause serious diseases worldwide.  The best way untuk prevent is through vaccination.  The world health organisation ranks pneumococcal disease sebagai penyakit yang boleh dicegah dengan vaksin sebagai punca nombor 1 kematian kanak-kanak di bawah umur 5 tahun di seluruh dunia

What does pneumococcus cause? Pneumococcus attack different parts of the body:

1.Meningitis- Jangkitan selaput otak dan saraf tunjang

2.Bakteremia-Jangkitan dalam darah

3. Pneumonia-Jangkitan paru-paru

4. Otitis Media-Jangkitan telinga tengah

Penyakit ini adalah sangat serius dan boleh mangakibatkan :-

1-Kerosakan otak

2-Hilang pendengaran


So who should be protected again this disease?

1-Children younger than 5 years old

2-Children attending day care centers

3-Those who have weak immune systems

4-Those suffering from chronic medical conditions (diabetes, heart, lung, kidney or liver disease)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Botol oh botol Posted by Dnanako chan at 9:11 AM 0 comments

When I’m about few weeks nak kena kerja balik, baru realized yg I tak ajar Zahra how to bottle feed properly.  Time tu baru la dok search sani sini which one yang suit for her.  First bottle yang I bought for her was Breastflow from the first years,  They claimed their bottle works most like a breast.  The milk will flow to inner teat first (yg blue one) then baru keluar to outer teat.  So meaning flow tak laju sangat.  Dia nye penutup boleh letak at the bottom of the bottle so takde la senang hilang. Zahra had problem with breastflow sebab teat dia pendek and a bit keras. So this bottle jadi our first collection harta karun for botol susu

Then I remember masa dekat Baby fair back in May2011, medela introduced their new revolutionary teat which mimic breast very well,  Calma.  Babies can drink, breathe and pause regularly. The best part yang I suka sebab babies need to suck baru susu tu keluar (takde la nipple confusion) & teat tu boleh tahan until baby 3-4 years. Tak payah tukar every 6 months.  Even you tunggang kan botol milk will flow out. Price time tu promo RM89 original price rm108 or rm118 (I forgot the exact one).  Fuh mahal betul,  time tu macam interested nak beli but fikir nanti la beli.  Since it still new tak banyak baby store yang jual medela calma ni.  If  nak we have to go to Medela office dekat bangsar.  So one day masa I dok shopping2 dekat littlewhiz punye website ter perasan pulak diorng ade medela calma and terus I beli.  But sadly Zahra reject jugak :(.  This time sebab Calma tersangat la slow.  Just ade one lubang (sebesar pin hole) for air keluar and she don’t have the patient to wait!  Teat dia pulak I rasa macam panjang sangat. Terpaksa la Calma pun masuk dalam our collection yang no 2 untuk jadi harta pusaka

After that I asking around for opinion for which bottle yg ade teat yang lembut, and flow tak laju sangat, tak perlahan sangat. Macam-macam orang suggest.  After so much consideration we decided to buy Dr Brown, Natural flow.  Orang comment yang this bottle banyak part yang nak dibasuh, and bile letak dalam handbag botol tersenget ke, senang susu nak keluar.  Alhamdullillah bile bagi dekat Zahra dia accept.  Maybe sebab teat dia lembut an flow tak laju sangat.  To wash it not so fussy as complained by others as they do provide small brush to wash the small part.  This bottle ade 2 teat. one yang normal another one yang wide neck.  I choose wide neck coz dia lagi lebar and more alike to mum’s nipple…price a bit higher than normal neck for few RM


To added to our collection my BFF gave us Tommee Tippee bottle pulak lagi.  Thanks ekin.  Yang ni anti colic++.  what the difference between yang normal one?  Dia ade heat sensing tube that provides color indication for safe feeding.  So if the milk panas sangat the tube colour will change.  Which easier la tak payah every time nak test dekat tangan kan coz da ade indicator.  Zahra pun can accept this bottle. Seems she liked it as the teat can moving around and boleh ditarik2


I thought that was the end of our quest.  Nak dijadikan cerita after few days hantar Zahra to taska, they said baby tak nak both bottles (Dr Brown&Tommee Tippee) pulak.  Weird, she’s been using both bottles for two weeks suddenly tak nak pulak.  And they said they have tried her with MAM bottle and she seems ok with it.  I cakap dalam hati..MAM pulak.  No one ever advised us to use MAM bottle before and memang tak pernah consider langsung nak beli.  Malam tu jugak pergi Babyjaya and the sales girl cakap botol MAM ni dapat review yang bagus, ramai yang beli.  Rupenye kitaorng yang tak tau hehe.  They have colorful bottle and as usual I ambik yang kaler pink.  Ape yang best nye bottle MAM ni..same like other, anti colic, soft teat (teat leper sikit) and they said easy to change from MAM to MUM. So right now dah one month plus zahra dekat taska, dia pakai botol MAM jer. 

Yang lagi 4 botol tu nampaknye jad harta khazanah la nampaknye.  So mummies,  after baby one month kena train your baby to use bottle, sebab takut nanti dia reject.  I think the most important :

1-know your baby rhyme feeding first.  Dia jenis yang suke slow flow ke, fast flow ke, suke teat yang lembut ke etc (this to avoid pembaziran botol2 hehe)

2-better go to baby store where you can hold and check one by one.  sebab ade yang cakap teat lembut, but after pegang and tengok takde la lembut sangat pun

3-Must be anti colic and BPA free..if yang senang basuh tu memang added factor.

4-Apa-apa pun baby jugak yg choose which one they want.  Sometimes dia ok dengan A, but suddenly reject and nak yang B pulak ke.  Best of luck girls :)


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