Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pneumococcal Vaccination Posted by Dnanako chan at 8:37 AM


I just know about this vaccination when my fren informed bout tis.  After i check balik dalam buku checkup DEMC, memang ade dalam list, tapi it’s optional and not compulsory.  So masa baby zahra 3 months punye routine immunization, we asked the doctor.  He said it’s highly recommended to take this vaccine since zahra duduk dekat nursery.  He added that most of our neighborhood countries memang dah diwajibkan to take this vaccine, dekat Malaysia je belum maybe sebab it’s quite expensive. 

Since zahra dah 3 months, she will take the vaccine on 4 moths (1st dose), 7 months (2nd dose), 8 moths (3rd dose), 13 moths (booster).  Price per vaccine RM230 but for the last vaccine (booster), DEMC bagi free :). Takpe la for her own health jugak kan. Risau jugak since lately ni pun zahra selalu tak sihat sangat.  I browse around, once this disease attack je dalam few days the situation boleh jadi worst by attacking brain and can cause death.  Masyallah hopefully di jauhkan la.  For me prevention is better than cure.  So sape nak get this vaccination for buy 4 free 1 price, boleh la pegi DEMC :)

Some info :

What is pneumococcal (neu-mo-kok-al) disease? Bakteria streptococcus  pneumoniae (pneumokokus) bolen menyebabkan penyakit pneumococcal.  Commonly found di dalam saluran pernafasan kanak-kanak and is spread by coughing & sneezing.  Currently there are more than 90 known pneumococcal types, but only 10% cause serious diseases worldwide.  The best way untuk prevent is through vaccination.  The world health organisation ranks pneumococcal disease sebagai penyakit yang boleh dicegah dengan vaksin sebagai punca nombor 1 kematian kanak-kanak di bawah umur 5 tahun di seluruh dunia

What does pneumococcus cause? Pneumococcus attack different parts of the body:

1.Meningitis- Jangkitan selaput otak dan saraf tunjang

2.Bakteremia-Jangkitan dalam darah

3. Pneumonia-Jangkitan paru-paru

4. Otitis Media-Jangkitan telinga tengah

Penyakit ini adalah sangat serius dan boleh mangakibatkan :-

1-Kerosakan otak

2-Hilang pendengaran


So who should be protected again this disease?

1-Children younger than 5 years old

2-Children attending day care centers

3-Those who have weak immune systems

4-Those suffering from chronic medical conditions (diabetes, heart, lung, kidney or liver disease)


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