Bahan- bahan
Bawang besar/merah
Bawang putih
Daun kari
Cili api
Tepung jagung (ni je yg ada time tu..tepung lain pun boleh)
Susu ideal
1. Salut ketam dgn tepung..goreng guna butter
When Zahra masuk 6 mths, we decided to buy her high chair sebab kan da kena makan. Survey2 high chair macam tak practical pulak. Sebab tinggi and she can’t sit properly at that time.
I have an eye on this Fisher price Healthy care booster seat. Sebab ape? 1-it can fold compactly 2-ada three height adjustment so that can fit to any table 3-front and rear seat straps so boleh adjust so that baby can fit 4-three point harness to hold growing child securely 5-with carry strap so can carry it anywhere. Survey2 then I saw dekat littlewhiz ade diskaun. This seat actual price RM199 but bole dapat dekat littlewhiz RM149 only!
So I dgn hubby terus pergi Littlewhiz@setia alam. Nasib baik ade stock. I nampak the 1st year pun ade jugak the same seat and lagi cheaper a few rm.
Review-10/10 : I can say this is memang worth it to buy..sebab zahra memang makan tiap2 hari kan. Masa baru beli she still can’t sit properly, tapi ada belt and dia pnye tray pun we can adjust..nak dekat..nak jauh sikit pun boleh. If on the go, it’s so easy coz ada tali which can wear like handbag ;p. Memang senang coz I selalu balik to my mum house..memang bawak balik this seat. We also brought this seat to restaurant!
Height pun ade 3 level boleh adjust. So kalo pegi makan tapi meja rendah we can adjust to the maximum height. In fact once baby da besar, just remove the tray, the seat can be a booster. Tray pun easy to clean. Ada 3.. blue tray yang paling bawah, the white gray and the tray cover in green. Tapi kena be careful with the tray takut tersepit tangan baby masa nak lock. So far belum pernah kena lagi as we ensure Zahra angkat tangan before we put the tray. Zahra pun right now dah tahu..if I take this seat je dia tau it’s makan time and cepat2 datang. It’s a good way to train her also so that if we go anywhere and it’s makan time she can behave and sit properly dekat table.
@home-budak comot makan :)@kenduri
@ Hadramawt lagi. sibuk nak bukak tray
Zahra memang since baby suke hisap jari until now. Macam da tak bole dipisahkan. Tak caya?
Macam2 pose ade..ada lagi banyak tapi tak larat nak letak banyak2 :)
Da lama giler plan nak story mory about my little girl, tapi busy punya pasal..tak sempat EDD ptutnye 16Jun. People always said selalunye if first baby keluar awal. So 2 weeks before EDD i da prepare everything dah. Tapi day by day still takde ape2 sign pun. Two days before EDD, ade keluar darah so cepat2 pegi DEMC, doktor cakap baru bukak 2cm and dia suruh balik dulu. If lagi 2 hari still takde ape2 doktor suruh datang for induce. The doctor ask me to come early around 9am because if anything i boleh masuk labor room. I pulak on 17hb tu boleh bangun lenggang kangkung dgn hubby kemas rumah, basuh baju, pegi breakfast sebab kata nak induce kan. Harusla kemas rumah dulu and makan benda sedap2 dulu (40 hari kena berpantang tu :P) Sampai je da pukul 12. Terus pegi labor room and nurse suruh tukar baju etc dulu before doktor datang. Ada one makcik nurse ni datang nak check bukaan da bape. Hubby takde time tu pegi sembahyang jumaat. I pun ok je la sebab time chekup doktor ade jugak check..ok je. Sekali bile nurse ni buat..mak ai sakit giler ok. Terus rasa nak duduk and baring jer. Nak jalan pun sakit ok. After hubby balik doktor panggil pegi klinik and dia suruh we all balik dulu sebab bukaan still 2 cm. Nak induce pun dah tak sempat sebab da pukul 2 time tu.
So kena la balik. Sampai rumah hubby ajak balik rumah my mum . I still remember on 17th tu..kitaorng tgh tgk tv..cerite mission impossible. Masa tu da nak pukul 12..I masuk bilik kejap nak ambik something when suddenly I rasa macam ade air panas dekat kaki. Rupanye air ketuban pecah da. Terus panik..cakap dkt hubby ‘air, air keluar’. Hubby pulak tengah khusyuk tengok tv just boleh fikir’ air, air ape pulak’ dia boleh buat blur2 jer haha. Bile cakap air ketuban terus dia pun kelam kabut hehe. Cepat we all kemas ape-ape yang patut and continue pegi to DEMC from my mum home at Hulu Langat. To make thing worse Federal Highway pulak tengah repair jalan. Journey yang should take only 30 minutes..da jadi 2 hour!
We reach hospital pukul 2.30 am. Nurse check and kata baru dilate 4cm. She said baby da berak..tapi her heartbeat still ok and she still active. So dia tak panggil doktor. Doktor will only come on 7am. Nurse tutupkan lampu and suruh i tido. tapi nak tido mcm mane dgn ada wire-wire sume. Hubby je la yang tido..1st tido dekat kerusi..tak comfortable kot, dia pulak naik katil and tido dekat tepi i haha. Pukul 7 doktor datang and check tengok still jugak 4 cm huhu. My mum pun ade call tanye I mcam mane. Alhamdulillah from 2am –7am tu i takde rasa sakit langsung. I dengar doktor suruh nurse bagi drip untuk cepatkan contraction. They cucuk sumthing dekat my drip bottle..terus i rasa contraction..but still the mild one. Nurse tanya nak injection tak..I dengan confident nye cakap tak nak hehe. Pukul 8.30 nurse check lagi and the I da dilate 7cm. Nurse cucuk sumthing lagi dekat my drip water . Three minutes after that terus i rasa sakit. Ni memang sakit giler ok. Not sure which part yang sakit. Yang I tahu the pain made me feel that I’m in the room, but I tak realize what happen to me. Time ni la cakap dengan nurse i nak injection. Nurse cakap da tak boleh sebab i da dilate 8 cm. I fikir ‘tu la berlagak sangat lagi tadi huhu’. .tapi diaorng bagi i laughing gas
Dapat je I terus sedut dengan tak sabarnye. But frust yang tat gas can’t reduce my pain pun. I just make me feel di awang-awangan jer. Pukul 9, da dilate 9 cm doktor pun masuk siap2 kan barang sume and suruh I push. She said she can see baby’s head already. Problem nye i tak tahu the correct way to push. Doktor kata i push dekat muka je lebih. I remembered the doctor with three nurses plus my husband suruh i push, but because of the pain&the gas I macam sedar tak sedar je After 15 minutes still tak boleh, doktor said she has to vacuum. She put the vacum and the same time I have to push..and suddenly my baby keluar denagan lajunye..and hilang all the pain. I’m so weak at that time and my baby keluar with purple skin! Takde pulak terus menangis macam selalu dalam tv tu hehe. The nurses straight away took her and keluarkan cecair from her nose, mouth by long tube. After 10 minutes then I heard her voice :). Doktor keluarkan uri sume and lepas tu she mentioned ‘Doktor nak jahit sikit yer’ . I pulak alamak kenapa bagitau. Terasa jarum2 nye huhu.
After that we have to wait for 2 hour in the labor room before they sent me to my room. Alhamdulillah for the precious gift to our life. We love you so much. Insyallah we will guide her to be a good muslimah. A few days after that ade macam nak kena jaundice, but i frequently bagi breastmilk and kejutkan baby every two hours,,the jundice level makin menurun day by day. Talking about her name, I like az-zahra so much. I was thinking nak letak nama Fatimah Az-zahra ..tapi to be fair hubby kena bagi satu nama la jugak which suitable with Az-zahra. Dia pulak suka nama Ainul Mardhiah-bidadari syurga utk orang2 yang mati syahid. and kalo ikut rank the highest level of bidadari la lol Lepas tu i fikir kalo combine kan mcm panjang sangat la pulak and I fikir nak dropkan je nama az-zahra. Hubby pulak suggest combinekan jadila Ainul Mardhiah Azzahra. Tak letak ‘-‘ dkt azzahra sebab nanti lagi la panjang. So to my daughter sorry if u have to write your name panjang2 dekat school nanti. You have a very nice and meaningful name and I wish you can be as what your name means. .bidadari special syurga yang bercahaya. She is 10 months now
1. pre loved: Mamalove baby carrier – RM150 (condition 7/10)
Charming baby carrier for ease of child transportation with 5 point harness minimizing harm to the baby at outdoors or during traveling. The adjustable handle ease the usage and it is also compatible with our strollers to form a travel system adding coolness to the parent and the baby! The carrier also comes with 3 layers of canopy to protect and give shades to the lovely baby while enjoying the comfort in the carrier.
2. pre loved:BUMBLE BEE nursing pillow – RM40 (Act price RM89.90) condition 8/10
props baby up high on mummy's thighs to make breast-feeding a comfortable and pleasant experience. No more sore and stiff arms!
The soft polyester filling makes a cushion too fro baby. Wraps around the waist for secure fit. Machine washable.Daddies benefit too while bottle-feeding
Bumble Bee "Nursing Pillow" in helpful u-shape 20cm thick cushion to wrap around mummy's tummy to support baby when breast-feeding. Cushion is 55cm wide in front. Also helps prop babies up in sitting position.
3. pre loved: Munchkin Deluxe Drying Rack-RM30 (act price RM45.90)
It's the No.1 selling dryer rack in America for good reason. It holds bottles, nipples, cups, valves, straws and a bottle brush. The built-in reservoir keeps countertops dry so they won't breed germs. The patented design folds flat so you can store it away in a snap. Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of your life could be as organized.
4. new: Bumble bee feeding breast milk storage bottle-rm30 (actual rm38.90)
Bumble Bee PP breastmilk storage bottles are made of BPA-free polyprepylene (PP), approved by US FDA.
These bottles are compatible with major brands breast pumps and you can express milk directly into the storage bottles.
Included :-
5. Auntumnz Breast milk storage bags – RM5 (7oz)
6. Medela calma-RM49.90 (act price RM99.00)
Breastfeeding is always best for your baby, but sometimes it is not possible to breastfeed naturally. Calma is an alternative to breastfeeding for mothers wishing to feed their babies with breastmilk.
Calma - the unique breast milk teat for your baby
For a mother looking for a solution to feed her child breast milk, Calma is ideal. Calma was developed based on the results of our studies with the University of Western Australia. That's why Calma is the unique teat for babies who are being breastfed with breast milk, as it allows them to suck, swallow and breathe, as learned on the breast. Whether you breastfeed or use Calma, the baby has to create a vacuum for breastmilk to flow. As soon as the baby pauses, the flow is stopped, this is also the way with breastfeeding.
Similar as with breastfeeding, your baby can
7. pre loved: Mothercare 3way carrier rm80 (good condition 10/10 – used twice)
A black nylon fabric baby sling which can hold baby in either a front position facing you (from 3.5kg), a front position facing out (from 3 months), and a back position (from 6 months). The sling comes with a lumbar support, removable head cushion, two dribble bibs, a dummy holder, and black net storage bag. Suitable from birth to 12kg (approx 18 months).
It is a very practical sling and can be used to carry baby both round the home and out and about. The carrier is simple to put on and importantly, is easy to get baby into and out of on your own (and even one-handed!).
It is fastened together using a number of adjustable straps to suit you and your baby’s body sizes.
The carrier is made from padded breathable (and machine-washable) material, and its ergonomic design spreads the weight well across your front, shoulders and back, which makes it very comfortable to wear. The lumbar support not only eases the pressure on your shoulders, but also holds the baby into your body. The head cushion is suitable for supporting a newborns head and neck, and can simply be detached once your baby gets bigger. The dummy holder prevents your baby’s soother from being lost should it fall out whilst they are in the carrier.
1. Great for infant up to 12kg (approx 12months)
2. Forward facing position (> 3 months)
3. Back carrying (> 6 months)
4. Inward facing (infant)
5. 2 dribble bibs included
6. Head support pad
8. pre loved: Simple Dimple Playgym (RM40 - act price RM79.90)- used few times only
Interseted? Pls email me at :)
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