When Zahra masuk 6 mths, we decided to buy her high chair sebab kan da kena makan. Survey2 high chair macam tak practical pulak. Sebab tinggi and she can’t sit properly at that time.
I have an eye on this Fisher price Healthy care booster seat. Sebab ape? 1-it can fold compactly 2-ada three height adjustment so that can fit to any table 3-front and rear seat straps so boleh adjust so that baby can fit 4-three point harness to hold growing child securely 5-with carry strap so can carry it anywhere. Survey2 then I saw dekat littlewhiz ade diskaun. This seat actual price RM199 but bole dapat dekat littlewhiz RM149 only!
So I dgn hubby terus pergi Littlewhiz@setia alam. Nasib baik ade stock. I nampak the 1st year pun ade jugak the same seat and lagi cheaper a few rm.
Review-10/10 : I can say this is memang worth it to buy..sebab zahra memang makan tiap2 hari kan. Masa baru beli she still can’t sit properly, tapi ada belt and dia pnye tray pun we can adjust..nak dekat..nak jauh sikit pun boleh. If on the go, it’s so easy coz ada tali which can wear like handbag ;p. Memang senang coz I selalu balik to my mum house..memang bawak balik this seat. We also brought this seat to restaurant!
Height pun ade 3 level boleh adjust. So kalo pegi makan tapi meja rendah we can adjust to the maximum height. In fact once baby da besar, just remove the tray, the seat can be a booster. Tray pun easy to clean. Ada 3.. blue tray yang paling bawah, the white gray and the tray cover in green. Tapi kena be careful with the tray takut tersepit tangan baby masa nak lock. So far belum pernah kena lagi as we ensure Zahra angkat tangan before we put the tray. Zahra pun right now dah tahu..if I take this seat je dia tau it’s makan time and cepat2 datang. It’s a good way to train her also so that if we go anywhere and it’s makan time she can behave and sit properly dekat table.
@home-budak comot makan :)@kenduri
@ Hadramawt lagi. sibuk nak bukak tray
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